Arthur E. Derry


from A Compendium of History Reminiscence and Biography of Nebraska, Alden Publishing Company, 1921:

A. E. Derry, a prominent farmer and oId settler of Antelope county, Nebraska, resides on his fine farm in section eleven, township twenty-three range six. He is the owner of two hundred and forty acres of good land, which he has accumulated by dint of his honest industry and persistent labor, supplemented by good management and integrity.

Mr. Derry is a native born Nebraskan, his birth occurring April 28, 1859. His father, George Derry, is a typical pioneer of Nebraska his settlement in the state dating from 1857, settling in Dodge county. He came here from England, of which country he is a native, having been born in London, (Lanchestershire) in 1823. He grew to manhood in his native land and followed the occupation of bridle maker. He is now living in Decatur county, Iowa, where he is well-known and highly esteemed and respected. Our subject's mother, Louisa (Weldon) Derry, was also born in England, her birth occurring in the year of 1821, Mr. George Derry, our subject's father, in 1857, left his native land and came to America where he could get land cheaper and where there were more opportunities for a man to support a family; he settled in Dodge county, Nebraska, where he took up a pre-emption and homestead claim, and built a log house, the roof being made of cornstalks. Here the family went through about every hardship and danger it was possible to encounter, suffering losses through every conceivable cause; this is not to be wondered at, as at that time this section of the country was almost unknown as a habitation for a white man; they had many scares from the red skins which then inhabited the western country; grasshoppers made their visit to Nebraska in 1873-74-75; the blizzards of 1869 and 1873 did a great deal of damage to those early settlers in that part of the state.

In 1873 our subject came to Antelope county, Nebraska, and lived here with his mother until 1885 when he bought where he now lives. In 1886, Mr. Derry was married to Miss Melvina Black, and Mr. and Mrs. Derry are the parents of four children, named as the following: Zaida E., George W., Sanford M., and Melvin A.

Mr. Derry during his long residence in this section has become well-known as a man of integrity, and has always done his full share for the betterment of conditions in his locality; he was elected by his constituents to the office of county commissioner, which office he satisfactorily filled for three years, taking oath in the year of 1900. At the present time he is town clerk and has always taken a commendable interest in public affairs.

Here is a link to a copy of a page from the 1860 Census for Nebraska, showing Arthur Derry at age 1.

Arthur Derry was one of the nicest men you could ever want to meet, according to his granddaughter, Janis Derry Burch.

Last updated: April 2005