William T. Black
Biographical and Historical Record of Ringgold and Decatur Counties,
Iowa, (Lewis Publishing Company (1887)), p. 621:
"WILLIAM T. BLACK is one of the pioneers of Decatur County, he having
settled in Decatur Township as early as 1853, with his brother, David,
who improved what is now known as the Covington farm, near Decatur
City. In 1855 he entered 160 acres on section 6, Fayette Township,
which he still owns and occupies. Mr. Black was born October 31, 1831,
in Adams County, Ohio, a son of Isaac and Elizabeth (Dick) Black, the
father born in Pennsylvania, of Scotch descent, whose father's name was
David, and grandfather's, Robert, of Scotland, and the mother a native
of Ross County, Ohio. They were married in Highland County, Ohio, and
died in Adams County, of the same State. Of a family of seven sons and
three daughters William T. was the eighth child. The daughters --
Margaret, Nancy Jane and Elizabeth D. lived to maturity, of whom
Margaret is now deceased. Of the sons only our subject and his brother,
David, are now living. David came with our subject to Decatur County,
but subsequently removed to Oregon, where he now resides. The brothers
deceased are -- Arthur G. and Quinton, twins; Thomas, Cyrus and Isaac
McCoy. The father of our subject was twice married, taking for his
second wife Mary Ewing, by whom he had two children -- James E. and
Rebecca, the latter being deceased. William T. Black, our subject, was
married in 1855, to Miss Ithema Ballard, who was born in Tennessee,
November 11, 1835, a daughter of John Ballard, who was among the early
settlers of Lucas County, Iowa. He died in Kansas several years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Black settled on their farm, on section 6, Fayette
Township, in the spring of 1856. In 1858 they rented their farm and
moved to Colchester, McDonough County, Illinois, where they resided
till the spring of 1862, when they returned to their farm in Fayette
Township, where they have since made their home. They are the parents
of eight children -- William F., living in Nebraska; Mrs. Sarah J.
Collins, of Lamoni; Mrs. Mary E. Stingley, of Nebraska; Cyrus W., in
Colorado; Melvina I., Irene E. I., Clara T. and Minnie R., living at
home. In politics Mr. Black is a Republican."
Here is a link to an image of
an 1860 census page for McDonough County, Illinois, showing William Black, age 28, laborer, personal property worth $60, born in Ohio, his wife Ithemia (not Ithema, as elsewhere), age 24, birthplace illegible (Kty? not Ten.), William F., age 3, born in Iowa, and Sarah,m age 1, born Ill (?).
Here is a link to a copy of a
page from the 1870 census, in which he is clearly listed as William F. Black, not William T. Black! He is listed as being age 38, male, white, farmer, real estate valued at $2400, personal property at $1200, born in Ohio. This time his wife is entered as Ithena, age 34, keeps house, born in Kentucky. Their children are William F., 13, Sarah J., 11, Mary E., 9, Cyrus W., 7, Melvina I., 5, and Irene E.J., 3. Of the children, Mary was born in Illinois, and the rest in Iowa.
Last updated: March 2004