science fiction by Kage Baker

In her Company series, Kage Baker solves the problem of time travel in a different way, more believable than others, but with an engaging paranoia about just who's running it all.....

In her Company series, Kage Baker solves the problem of time travel in a different way, more believable than others, but with an engaging paranoia about just who's running it all.....

Read this series in publication order: In the Garden of Iden, Sky Coyote, Mendoza in Hollywood, The Graveyard Game, Black Projects, White Knights: The Company Dossiers, The Life of the World to Come.

The Children of The Company Here's one I haven't read yet - I have to go look for it now....The Children of the Company.

Oh, no wonder I haven't seen it. It's not due to be published until November 1, 2005, which is over two months away as I write this.

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