Daisy Dalrymple mysteries by Carola Dunn

[as usual, the pictures above are links to Amazon, in case you want to see others' reviews.]

Something about this series of mysteries, which take place in the 1920's, appeals to me enough that I had to buy the ones that our local public library didn't have. The heroine, Daisy Dalrymple, is a young English woman with plenty of common sense, in a world which often seems to lack it. The time period provides a great deal of charm, as well as some difficult situations.

Here is the list of titles, in order, as this is a series which reads best when read in order:
Death at Wentwater Court
The Winter Garden Mystery
Requiem for a Mezzo
Murder on the Flying Scotsman
Damsel in Distress
Dead in the Water
Styx and Stones
Rattle His Bones
To Davy Jones Below
The Case of the Murdered Muckraker
Mistletoe and Murder

Note that the posting date on this entry is fictitious; this weblog was created in 2004, but I am placing pre-2004 dates on those books and series which I last completed in 2003 or before.

Posted: Sun - June 8, 2003 at 11:47 AM   weblog: Books I particularly like   category: mysteries
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