Antique Rose - Madame Isaac Pereire
Madame Isaac Periere has the most wonderful scent of any rose I've smelled,
described in books as a true damask rose scent. To me, the scent is much more
delightful than the scent of a tea rose. The flowers are beautifully shaped and
large. The only drawbacks to this plant are her disinclination to bloom much out
of season, outside of a glorious burst of blooms in the spring and a lesser
flush in the fall, and her tendency to get bare and black-spotted in the late
summer. Perhaps the latter would be better if I sprayed her with poison, but I
hate to do that, and she's very good at surviving
Update: Sadly, Mme. Isaac perished this summer (June
2008) when the neighbor's yard guy accidentally knocked it over when mowing.
She'd been suffering for some time from a severe case of blackspot. The lawn
care guy would never have failed to see her if she'd been big and healthy.
Posted: Thu - August 18, 2005 at 08:45 AM