mysterious Nightshade family volunteer
new plant appeared suddenly by our front door about a month ago. It was rather
attractive, with a splash of purple on its first leaves, so I gave it favored
weed status and did not root it out. Then a bloom appeared whose pale violet
fused petals and waxy yellow stamens (almost forming a tube around the pistil)
made it look very much like a potato flower. The leaves weren't like a potato's,
though; a potato has deeply divided leaves. Nightshade? Again very similar, but
its petals curve back more than our mystery plant. Its hairs made me itch for
hours after I touched it, though it lacked any obvious thorns.
decided that it must be a horse nettle, though with less deeply toothed leaves,
only to see a guidebook-perfect example of a horse nettle that very afternoon,
growing on the roadside. Finally we found pictures of eggplants which look
identical in every respect. We're pretty sure it is an eggplant. We won't really
know until a fruit appears. The first flower fell off peduncle and all, but we
have hopes for the newer flowers.
How could an eggplant have come to
grow there, when we never planted it? Compost. An eggplant went bad and was
discarded instead of being eaten. We did use compost in that area.
Posted: Mon - May 15, 2006 at 02:41 PM