Low water immersion dyeing (third example)
September 2, 1998
Silk shirt and skirt
This silk set was dyed by the low water immersion method, using sodium
carbonate to fix the dyes just as with cotton.
To see the full-size images and much more detail, click on the small images!
How I did it
- I crumpled each piece and stuffed one into each leg of a pair of
pantyhose, so as to enhance the crumpled detail, then jammed the two
legs into the bottom of a 2.5 pound coffee can (lined with a plastic
- Next, I mixed 4 teaspoons Procion turquoise into 1 cup of water,
adding 1 tablespoon urea (quite unnecessarily). After pouring that
into the can, I repeated this with 1 cup of dye solution made with
two teaspoons of cerulean blue, and finally did the same with 1 cup of
dye solution prepared with a mixture of 1 teaspoonful of cerulean blue
and 1 teaspoon of fuchsia. (Note to self: always *halve* quanitites of
fuchsia in the future.)
- After allowing
the colors to mix and blend, without agitation or stirring of any
sort, for about an hour, I added a cup of water containing 4 teaspoons
of sodium carbonate (which I'd dissolved in boiling water and allowed
to cool.)
- Just three hours and forty minutes later--not 24 to 48 hours as
many authors recommend--I machine washed the dress in first cold, then
warm water. I regret the later now, as the cotton thread (which dyed
beautifully) shrank slightly in the warm water, whereas the silk, of
course, did not; this resulted in light puckering of the material,
almost requiring that the outfit be ironed before use. I do not iron
clothes. I machine wash and dry everything on gentle at low
temperatures, normally, and never have to dry clean or iron anything.
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Page created: September 5, 1998.
Last updated: Saturday, September 5, 1998;
Downloaded at: Wednesday, March 26, 2025