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You are here: Home > All About Hand Dyeing > Links > Mailing Lists and Forums

Mailing lists, newsgroups, and online forums: other online sources of information on hand dyeing

Current Dye Lists

the_dyerslist is a continuation of EMU's long-respected DyersLIST mailing list, hosted at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, an academic non-profit research institution in Prague. The moderators are Jarmila Pankova (Jaja) in the Czech Republic and Jan Crews in the US. As before, the_dyerslist is an internet mailing list intended for the discussion of technical questions, problems and information related to immersion dyeing and to the surface application of synthetic dyes, pigments and related chemicals, to fabric and fiber.
To subscribe to the_dyerslist, send a blank email message to listproc@utia.cas.cz, using the email account with which you wish to subscribe.

To unsubscribe, do not send a message to the entire list! Instead, to unsubscribe, send a message to listproc@utia.cas.cz with the words unsubscribe the_dyerslist in your subject line.

All members are initially set to receive each post as it is sent. This is known as "mail". To set to digest, send a blank email to listproc@utia.cas.cz In the subject line, type
set the_dyerslist digest

To go back to receiving each email, send a blank email to listproc@utia.cas.cz In the subject line, type
set the_dyerslist mail

Here is a link to the list of commands that can be used: https://sympa.utia.cas.cz/sympa/help/mail_commands

Complex Cloth
Complex Cloth is a mailing list for the fiber artist who specializes in the design and execution of original cloth, based on the processes and techniques in Jane Dunnewold's book, Complex Cloth from Fibre Studio Press.

What is appropriate for discussion? Surface design, including dyeing, resists, bleaching, image transfer, silkscreening, batik, tritik, fabric painting, and related topics. . . Embellishment with beads, texture, buttons, closures. Influences of other cultures on our fabrics and designs. Custom techniques, weaving, quilting, and other fiber manipulations applied to cloth are fair game here. This list is for people who want to learn and "push the envelope" of what's been done into the next generation. Also welcome are notices of relevant exhibits, publications and competitions.

To subscribe to the complexcloth mailing list, see Yahoo's complexcloth main page.

Jacquard Products Forums
The Jacquard Products Forum is a company-run forum that anyone can join, for asking questions about and discussing Jacquard Products such as Jacquard Procion MX dye, Jacquard Acid dyes, Dye-Na-Flow fabric paint, Pearl-Ex mica powder, and their many other products. This forum is still functional, but it is heavily infested by spammers and does not get spam messages cleared out for a month at a time, making it difficult to find anything useful below the 150+ pages of recent spam messages.

Ravelry is a site for knitters and crocheters. There is always some discussion about dyeing in the forums at Ravelry.

Facebook: All About Hand Dyeing
All About Hand Dyeing is the Facebook page corresponding to this site, used for sending updates about this web site. Operated by Paula Burch.

Facebook: Addicted to TIE DYEING
Addicted to TIE DYEING is a Facebook group which is a great place to look at many wonderful examples of tie-dyeing, posted by the tie-dyers as they make them. Very active, with over 2000 members at the time this is being written.

Natural Dyes List
This is a list for the discussion of natural dyes -- materials and techniques.

Group site: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalDyes/
Subscribe address: NaturalDyes-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

Silk Painting mailing list

"This is a place created to allow people interested in silk painting to exchange information on technique, suppliers, and share their experiences." It is a very nice and supportive group.

To subscribe, see the Silkpainting Yahoo Groups page.

Dye Happy mailing list

Dye Happy is a moderated Yahoo Groups mailing list. "This on-topic list is for people of all skill levels from beginner to expert, from textile dyers and painters to fiber and yarn dyers. We welcome conversation about all methods of dyeing including Kool Aid, EE, cake coloring, acid dyes, natural dyes, fiber reactive dyes or any other form of coloring you can think of. "

Dyer's Sales List

"Buy, sell or trade any items relating to dyeing or surface design, the 'raw materials' used by professional and advanced amateur dyers, including dyes of all kinds (except food colorings) as well as equipment and studio related accessories. PFD (Prepared for Dyeing) Fabrics, Yarns, and Fibers that are NOT Dyed but are ready for dyeing may also be sold here."

MXDyers mailing list

The MXDyers list is a moderated Yahoo Groups mailing list to which membership can be gained only by invitation from its moderator; it has been mentioned on the DyersLIST mailing list.

Historical Dye Lists (still accessible for reading)

The Dye Forum
The Dye Forum was an all-purpose forum on this website here from 2006 through 2008. Unfortunately, it was attacked so heavily by robospammers that my ISP shut it down, because the volume was more than the server could handle. You can view a read-only copy of the Dye Forum on the Internet Archive. The links work, though many of the pictures were located on other systems and linked to; if they have been removed from the other sites, we can no longer view them here.

iTie-dye Forum
The iTie-dye Forum was a tie-dye discussion forum, successor to the old Fiber Arts Forum. Included detailed instructions on many different tie-dyeing folds and a multi-author Tie-dye Wiki. The iTie-dye Forum suffered the same fate as the Dye Forum, its database repeatedly crashed by automated spam submissions. Some pages from it can sometimes be viewed on the Internet archive; for example, see this thread (it can load slowly, and works better in some web browsers than others).

Natural Surfaces
The Natural Surfaces list still exists but does not appear to be used currently except when members have their accounts hacked. A surface design group for those using or wanting to use natural dyes. Topics include shibori, discharge dyeing, screen printing, and painting, for flat surfaces. Surfaces would include fabrics such as silk, cotton, wool, paper, leather and more.

Group site: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Natural_Surfaces/
Subscribe address: Natural_Surfaces-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

BATIK-L e-mail mailing list

Appears to be inactive since 2012. BATIK-L is a moderated discussion list devoted to batik painting, batik and tie dye processes. Batik procedures consists of: 1) preparing and desiging the fabric; 2) melting wax; 3) using the dyes, overdying, crackling; 4) removing wax and fixing color. All subjects related to batik, batik painting, designs,dyes, processes etc are considered to be on topic.

To subscribe, send email to

or see the BATIK-L Yahoo Groups page.

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Last updated: January 7, 2016
Page created: August 2, 1998
Downloaded: Sunday, March 23, 2025