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I am a scientist with a long-standing interest in dyes. When I took up dyeing fabric as a hobby, I was frustrated by the limitations caused by not fully understanding my materials, and by the lack of available information anywhere to explain them to me. I found information which was useful to me only because of my scientific background, and have ever since been sharing the knowledge I have gained with anyone who shares my interest.
My Ph.D. thesis, DNA Damage and Cell Lethality by Photodynamically Produced Oxygen Radicals, involved the use of certain dyes as a source of toxic oxygen radicals. My work involved identifying which oxygen species actually caused dye-related damage both in vivo and in vitro. The dyes I worked with were clearly more hazardous than the ones we like to use in our art!
Last updated: April 3, 2017
Page created: January 18, 2006
Downloaded: Sunday, March 23, 2025