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Dye protein fibers with acid dyes
Acid Dyes hot fuchsia

Jacquard Acid Dyes

Jacquard Acid Dyes are concentrated, powdered, hot water dyes that produce the most vibrant possible results on protein fibers including silk, wool, cashmere, alpaca, feathers, and most nylons. Don't be alarmed by the name--the only acid involved is the vinegar that you add.

Jacquard Procion MX Fiber Reactive Cold Water Dye

Jacquard Procion MX Fiber Reactive Cold Water Dye

Procion dyes are permanent, colorfast, and very washable. You can easily create a palette of brilliant colors ranging from light pastels to deep, vibrant hues. Perfect for natural plant fibers: cotton, linen, paper, reeds, and wood.

Dye synthetic fibers with disperse dye
Jacquard iDye Poly

iDye Poly
(for Polyester/Nylon)

Choose from sixteen vibrant colors for use with polyester and nylon fabrics. iDye Poly and iDye can be mixed for polyester/nylon blends with natural fibers.

Procion Cold Water Dye, Assortment (set of 8)

Procion Cold Water Dye, Assortment (set of 8)

When mixed with soda ash, cold water dye is permanent, colorfast and very washable. Great for tie-dye and dyeing fabric. 8 oz, 8-color assortment of golden yellow, brilliant orange, fire engine red, fuchsia, turquoise, medium blue, bright green and jet black. Adult supervision required. Follow mixing instructions on the bottle. Mix 2 level tbsp of dye to 8 ounces of water.




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Where can I find someone to dye my clothing for me?

There are few businesses willing to do custom dyeing-to-order these days. You will probably not be able to find a local dyer or dry cleaner willing to redye your clothing for you, but you can mail it to one of the five dyeing services listed in the topmost box, below.

If your garment is 100% polyester, you should probably just forget it. Few dyers are willing to dye it for you. Polyester is difficult and unpleasant to immersion-dye a single solid color, and the customer is often unwilling to pay the cost of the materials and effort—or the risk that the garment will be destroyed by the extended boiling required.

There are two types of custom dyers listed here: those who will redye your premade garment a different color, and those who will custom dye a new garment to your specifications.

The following companies or individuals have registered their contact information as given below....

Garment Redyers: changing the color of clothing you already have

To get your garment redyed, you can mail it to one of the following locations. First study the web sites listed below, and use email or the telephone to make sure that what you want done is possible and that the price is acceptable to you.
  1. True Color Fabric Dyeing ( sherry@fabric dyeing. com / http://www. fabric dyeing .com)

    True Color Fabric Dyeing is a professional, commercial textile dyeing service. We dye individual items or bulk orders. We dye slipcovers, bed, bath and table linens, yardage, pillow covers, throw rugs, clothing, uniforms, sneakers, costumes, more. Cover stains, fade, bleach spots. Choose from our palette or create a custom color. We are located in the US and do business by mail or UPS. Call 831.336.2488 or visit our website.

  2. SPECTRUM Custom Fabric Dyeing (http://www.spectrumfirm.com)

    SPECTRUM Custom Fabric Dyeing is a professional dyeing service specializing in dresses, jeans, and other textiles containing natural fabrics such as cotton, linen, rayon, tencel, hemp, silk and wool. We often dye wedding dresses and bridesmaid dresses to match certain colors selected by individual clients. We do not dye garments containing over 50% polyester, nylon, acetate or acrylic. Located in California.

  3. Metro Dyeing Service (http://www.sampledyeingny.com/)

    Metro Dyeing Service will dye quantities as small as a single garment. Their site says they will dye synthetic fibers that other dyers won't touch, if they are currently undyed (such as a white polyester wedding dress). Located in New York.

  4. Alteria Color Restoration Services (alteriaonline.com/)

    We are a Miami-based fabric dyeing facility. We specialize in garment dyeing and restoration on items such as dresses, shirts, blouses, pants, intimates, and stain removals. We treat each job as a unique project, if it is vintage or a couture garment. Call 954.559.3659.

  5. Dye It Black (dyeitblack.com)

    At DYE IT BLACK we know how frustrating it is when your favourite pair of jeans fade to grey or your perfect sweater is looking less than perfect. You love black...it should be BLACK...! Or maybe you wear black for work and maybe after so much washing, now the black is faded, grey and dull... We specialize in dyeing items to black ... ONLY BLACK. If it was black, it can be again ... and if it wasn't black, why not make it black? Re-new your clothing, re-fresh your wardrobe, re-cycle and while you're at it, save some landfill space. Email info@dyeitblack.com or call 416-903-0032. Located in Toronto, Ontario.

New items custom-dyed for you, individual orders or larger
(Do NOT contact for redyeing old garments)

  1. Dream Out Loud

    Tie dyes hand dyed with love. Interesting assortment of pre-made and custom items. Worldwide shipping. www.etsy.com/shop/doyoudreamoutloud or email dreamoutloud@mail.com
    It's a colorful life!

    Listed since: 2011-08-08

  2. Twirlytoes Wearable Art

    I specialize in quality authentic premade or custom tie dye apparel and home decor. I use the hand folding technique on everything I make. Examples can be seen at www.twirlytoes.etsy.com. Contact me at twirlytoes@wildmail.com.

    Listed since:2010-02-02

  3. Marbled Arts ( info@marbled-arts. com / http://www.marbled- arts. com)

    Marbled Arts creates luscious hand dyed then marbled fabrics. Perfect for quilting, fiber art and wearable garments. We will help you find the perfect color combination for your creation.

    Listed since:2005-07-16

  4. Wildflower Tie Dye Hippie Clothing ( val@wildflower dyes. com / http://www. wildflower dyes.com)

    Online catalog with many unique designs. We custom dye hemp, cotton and rayon. Worldwide shipping

    Listed since:2004-12-29

  5. Beth Hartford ( beth@quilters stitch together.com / http://www. quilters stitch together. com)

    We offer beautiful hand dyed fabrics for quilters and garments, as well as t-shirts, finished quilts and original patterns. (Individual shirts dyed to order.)

    Listed since:2004-07-14

  6. Marjorie McWilliams ( marjie@fabricdesigns.com / http://www. fabricdesigns .com)

    I specialize in hand dyed silk and cotton textiles. I also custom dye silk scarves, shawls, and sarongs. Let me know if you need a custom dyeing for almost any natural fabric.

    Listed since:2002-12-03


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Last updated: August 18, 2014
Page created: August 31, 2002
Downloaded: Friday, January 17, 2025

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This page was created in the form of a self-edited guestbook at Guestbook.De, which met its demise most likely due to the overwhelming load of spam submissions they received. It was moved to this location on October 1, 2007. Further submissions will be accepted only individually and may experience major delays in being added to this page.
