Eating in Pregnancy
- What to Eat When You're Expecting [sources incl.amazon]
- [See comments below on "What to Expect When You're Expecting.
Don't bother with this book--the wholesome information is
throughly mixed with unscientific garbage that pretends to be
founded in research, to the point where you can't be sure
whether to believe anything they say. --Anonymous contribution
- Bridget Swinney: Eating Expectantly [sources incl.amazon]
- I like [this] *much* more than "What to Eat When You're Expecting"
which came off (to me at least) as preachy and not always accurate
and up-to-date. -- Ericka Kammerer[posted]
- Ellen Lakusiak: Eating Well when you're Pregnant. Macmillan Canada.
1996 ISBN 0-7715-7373-1. [I can't locate a record of this book online. -Ed.]
- Even I don't need it yet, couldn't help but notice on shelf in
SmithBooks an excellent book I hadn't seen before. Not
preachy like WTEWYE but lots of common sense and she is a
registered dietician! Good examples of sample diets following
the food rainbow, good question and answer section, good
breastfeeding nutrition section. All in all best nutrition
while pregnant book I've seen. I stood in bookstore for 2
hours reading different ones and comparing them. I've also
got "Eating For Two" by Mary Abbott Hess, R.D., M.S., and
Anne Elise Hunt, at home but like this other one better.
Good Luck finding it in U.S. Maybe ask your book seller to
order it in? Worth getting for healthy eating. Also good
section on different strategies to try out with pregnancy
sickness (rather than old name of morning sickness).
--Deborah Johnson
- Mary Abbott Hess, R.D., M.S., and Anne Elise Hunt: Eating For Two.
[sources incl.amazon]
- I like [Ellen Lakusiak's Eating Well when you're Pregnant]
better. --Deborah Johnson
- Gail Sforza Brewer and Janice Green: Right From the Start
[OOP; try your library or amazon]
- I really liked _Right From the Start_, because it supported my
non-interventionist POV, while helping me to be prepared for
interventions that might be necessary, like caesarian birth and/or
prolonged hospitalization. It also saved me a ton of money on baby
equipment by pointing out how unnecessary some of the stuff is. It's
not for everyone, though; page through it, at least, before you buy it.
-- Nola Van Vugt [posted]