Parenting Book Reviews

Table of Contents


Pre-pregnancy Books

Pregnancy Books

Nutrition in Pregnancy

Pregnancy for Fathers

Baby Name Books

Birth guidebooks

Vaginal Birth After Cesarean

Infants & Toddlers


Sleep Problems

Child Rearing & Discipline

Preschool-aged children

Young school-aged children

Teenaged children

Learning disabilities and ADHD

Medical Information & Nutrition

Life Style Choices

Death and Children

Boys/Girls: "Gender" issues

Miscellaneous Books

Other Media

Sources & Acknowledgements

Paula Burch's Home Page

Reviews of Books About Breastfeeding

Thomas Hale: Medications and Mothers' Milk '96. Pharmasoft Medical
Publishing (phone 1-800-378-1317); $19.95 with shipping.
[amazon says it's OOP, but will try to
get it for you; try the publisher first.]
	...the only [book on breastfeeding] I've found w/medication
	info under $50! I've already used it 5 times. --Kat Dyer

Gerald Briggs et al. Drugs in Lactation. $15. 1997.
[sources incl. amazon]
	(no review)

Huggins: Nursing Mother's Companion 1986, 1995. Harvard Common Press;
[sources incl. amazon]
        A terrific book. Full of practical tips for overcoming difficulties.

        Much more useful and less guilt-inducing than the Womanly Art.
	There is a new edition, but I don't know what's been added to
	it.  -- Kate Gregory

This was my favorite breastfeeding book. --Paula Burch The most helpful book on breastfeeding (and its problems), I read. It is less 'preachy' than LLL's THE WOMANLY ART OF BREASTFEEDING, and is more upto date than THE COMPLETE BOOK OF BREASTFEEDING. I found the sections on pumping and storing milk useful. The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding. [sources incl. amazon] Terrible book, though much-recommended! I urge all pregant women to attend LLL meetings. I urge any woman having problems breastfeeding, coping with biting, getting presure to wean, and so on to attend LLL meetings. They are a terrific organization. The book is less terrific. It's a good pep talk to read while pregnant; why not join your local chapter and borrow it from their library? When I was having problems nursing Beth I got no practical help from the Womanly Art, instead I was guilted by it. I got my help from a doctor, the Huggins book, a lactation consultant, and my local LLL chapter. BestFeeding [sources incl. amazon] One book that was recommended to me, which I don't recommend for people who have problems with breast-feeding is a book called BestFeeding. I don't remember the authors. It was much too adamant that you shouldn't have problems, all you have to do is position correctly. I am a personal testament to the fact that this is not true. A conflicting view about Bestfeeding: I just purchased it for my SIL and am generally impressed with it. It's tone IS a little preachy and condescending, but the photographs of real breasts are worth it IMO. I wish I'd had this book when I was breastfeeding; it would have been more helpful that the lactation consultants I spoke with at the time. I can't compare it to Nursing Mother's Companion because I haven't read that, but the technical information is far superior to that in Womanly Art. - Laura (Wdbedzyk) Marilyn Grams: Breastfeeding Success for Working Mothers [sources incl. amazon] The supply/demand principle works with nursing. It's an amazing system. Even if it feels like there's no milk there at all, there will always be something. An excellent book is "Breastfeeding Success for Working Mothers" by Marilyn Grams, MD. Lots of great information and encouragement, and equally suitable for moms who are at home. - LParra [posted] Huggins, Ziedrich, and Sears: The Nursing Mother's Guide to Weaning [sources incl. amazon] If this is anything like "The Nursing Mother's Companion", this is the only one to get. -Paula Burch Norma J. Bumgarner: Mothering Your Nursing Toddler [sources incl. amazon] Read this book if everyone around you thinks you ought to wean your baby now, even though neither you nor your baby is ready. (The AAP recommends at least a year of breastfeeding, and WHO recommends two, but loads of people still think that even six months is really way too long, and they don't hesitate to tell you so!) --Paula Burch

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