I'm trying to make an "alien" with tie-dye. Can you recommend any web pages that talk about how to do that?Name: Ahren
Message: Hi, I like your web page. I'm trying to make an "alien" with tie-dye. Can you recommend any web pages that talk about how to do that? No, I have not seen this on any web site. However, an 'alien' face is just like any other symmetrical shape. Fold your shirt vertically and draw the outline of one side of your alien's face with a pencil or a truly washable marker. Draw on the eyes and mouth as well. Tie the little eye and mouth regions before tying the outline of the face and neck. Then, starting at the bottom, pleat following your line, carefully turning the direction of your gathers as your line curves. When you have finished gathering along this line, taking great care to keep the pleated fabric flat like an accordian, not with some regions bunched up over other regions, tie it off with synthetic sinew or whatever string you like to use. Carefully apply dye along the ties, and use different colors on one side of the tie than the other. Consider whether you wish to apply the same color to the front and back of your design, for solid colors, or apply a different color to the front than the back in order to get little interwoven stripes. If you need more detailed instruction than this, I'd suggest you look at True Tie Dye's video series. Their 'Tie Dye 202' DVD, part of their 'Advanced Tie Dye Techniques' set, shows exactly how to create an 'alien' face design on one side of a shirt, and a space ship on the other side. Note, however, that the DVD is in NTSC format DVD, standard for North America; your equipment in Ireland may not display it. You undoubtedly know more about that issue than I do. True Tie Dye does accept international orders, and their web site includes this message: 'If you want to be notified as soon our "How To" videos are available in your language and in native PAL and SECAM formats on DVD and VHS, please contact us.' Posted: Saturday - May 21, 2005 at 10:40 AM
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