tie-dyeing circles, squares, and heartsName: tatiana.
Message: HI MY NAME IS TATIANA I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO DO FOLDINGPATTERNS BUT THE ONLY ONE I KNOW HOW IS THE STRIPES. I HAVE TRIED TO DO A SQUARE, A HEART AND AND OTHERS BUT I CANNOT. CANYOU HELP ME TELLING ME HOW DO I FOLD TO DO IT The next fold you need to master is the circle. Grab your shirt (or piece of fabric) in the center and pull that up, letting the rest of the shirt hang down, then use rubber bands around this point to make what will be concentric circles, like a bull's eye. This is a much simpler version of the mandala fold. For a number of small circles, take small pebbles or marbles and attach them to the shirt, on the inside, using rubber bands or string on the outside. For more complex shapes such as squares or hearts, which are variations on the circle fold, first draw your shape with a pencil on a shirt which has been folded in half vertically, then sew along these lines with a needle and strong thread, making very long basting stitches. Pull the thread very tight to gather up the fabric, then place a rubber band tightly over the stitching. Trial and error is the best teacher. Try all of the folds shown in ProChem's tie-dye folding instructions. If you need more detailed instructions than this, including pictures, I recommend that you buy a $5 book, Rainbow Tie-dye, by Sulfiati Harris. See Dharma Trading Company's "Tie Dye Books". I am not sure whether they ship to Costa Rico, though. Tie-dyed.com sells a DVD with instructions (see ), as well as shorter (and less expensive) downloadable movies. All of these instructions are for cold water dyeing methods, however. For hot-water dyeing methods, see the Rit Dye site. If you are using all-purpose dye, the best dyeing method is to do immersion dyeing by dropping your tied items into a pot of simmering hot (190 degrees) water plus dye and salt. All-purpose dye does not work at room temperature, but it works well in nearly boiling water. For dyeing at room temperature, always use cool water fiber reactive dye, such as Procion MX dye, Jacquard or Rainbow Rock tie-dye kits, or Dylon Cool Water Dye. You can order Procion MX type dye internationally from Pro Chemical & Dye. Posted: Thursday - January 13, 2005 at 07:41 PM
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