looking for all-purpose dye in Australia
Anna Country: Australia Message: Hello, I'm trying to dye lingerie composed of nylon and viscose. I have rung Dylon in Australia and they have discontinued their all purpose dye. I can't seem to find another brand or product suitable in Australia, can you suggest something? All-purpose dye is a mixture of two types of dye, direct dye for the cellulose fibers (including cotton and viscose rayon) and acid dye for the polyamide fibers (including nylon and wool). (See "About All Purpose Dyes".) For dyeing nylon without cellulose, I prefer premetalized acid dyes or Lanaset dyes. For dyeing cellulose without nylon, I prefer fiber reactive dyes, such as Procion MX dyes. These dyes are more colorfast than the dyes included in the all-purpose dye mixtures. However, using a mixture of direct dyes with acid dyes allows you to dye both fibers in a single dyebath, which is a great convenience, when the very best washfastness is not required. It's also possible to considerably improve the washfastness of all-purpose dye by using an aftertreatment of a cationic dye fixative, such as Retayne, Fixitol P, or Kolourfix FF. (See "Commercial Dye Fixatives".) I recommend that you call KraftKolour, which is located in Australia, to mail-order all-purpose dye. They carry Iberia Textile Dyes, which are all-purpose dye mixtures. As I write this, the Kraftkolour website is down, due to an attack on their website, so I will quote from their 2008 catalog for you:
IBERIA TEXTILE DYES PRICE: $7.70/25g packet [price includes 10% GST] Multi purpose dye for use in hot water, 80 -100°C. 20 bright strong colours that will dye cotton, linen, viscose, wool, nylon & lycra. Packet contains 25gms of dye (in 2 x 12.5g sachets), perfect for the small dyeing job. Each packet will dye up to 700g of dry weight to a full shade.
While you are ordering from them, you should be sure to get some Kolourfix FF , to improve the washfastness of all-purpose dye. KraftKolour also sells many other types of dye, including Procion MX, Drimarene K, and Remazol fiber reactive dyes for viscose rayon and cotton, and Premetallised Acid Dyes and other acid dyes for nylon and wool. Their phone number in Australia is 03 5783 1927, and their number for international calls is 61 3 57831927. (Unfortunately, this website has no affiliate relationship with Kraftkolour.) (Please help support this web site. Thank you.) Posted: Tuesday - March 30, 2010 at 09:24 AM All About Hand Dyeing Q&A Previous Next
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