Where is the best place to buy supplies that can be shipped to Georgia that will have a lot of colors?

Name: Jamie


Jacquard tie dye kit

Jacquard Tie Dye Kit

Dye up to 15 adult-size T-shirts, with vivid, electric colors that are so colorfast they can be washed with the daily laundry.


Procion mx fiber reactive cold water dye

Procion MX Dye

ideal for cotton, rayon, linen, and silk

When mixed with soda ash, Procion dyes are permanent, colorfast, and very washable. You can easily create a palette of brilliant colors ranging from light pastels to deep, vibrant hues.


Country or region: United States

Message: My wife & sisters are dyeing shirts for a fund raiser for their mom who has Lou Gehrig's disease. Where is the best place to buy supplies that can be shipped to Georgia that will have a lot of colors? Thank you for replying!

The highest quality and easiest-to-use dyes for dyeing t-shirts are also among the least expensive, if you order them from a specialty dye supplier. I recommend that you order Procion MX type fiber reactive dyes from either PRO Chemical & Dye in Massachusetts, or from Dharma Trading Company in California. You can see additional dye retailers on my page, "Sources for Dyeing Supplies Around the World".

You can order individual dye colors, as well as the soda ash, plastic bottles, and any other ingredients or materials, or you can order all of your dyes and materials already combined into a tie dyeing kit. Both of these dye sellers can supply tie-dyeing kits, containing superior Procion MX dye and everything else you need, for anywhere from just a few shirts to over a hundred. Both companies also sell 100% cotton t-shirts that you can dye; Dharma also sells all manner of other dyeable clothes, pillow covers, book covers, and so forth.

If you try to buy locally, at a crafts store, instead of ordering online, you will find that the prices are higher and the color selection much smaller. A very good brand of tie-dyeing kit that you may find in your local fabric or hobby shop is made by Jacquard Products. When buying locally, you must be careful to avoid inferior tie-dyeing kits made with all-purpose dye, such as Rit dye, or with fabric paints; neither of these will produce results that are nearly as beautiful or long-lasting as Procion tie-dyes. Most crafts stores that sell t-shirts only carry 50% cotton/50% polyester shirts: don't try to dye these, because 100% cotton produces much better results.

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Posted: Friday - September 09, 2011 at 07:26 AM   All About Hand Dyeing Q&A     Previous   Next  

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