I would like to hire someone to dye my cotton furniture slipcovers
Name: Colleen
Country or region: Michigan
Message: I would like to hire someone to dye my furniture slipcovers. They are cotton. Do you do this or would you be able to recommend someone?
Do you want a solid color or multiple colors?
If you want a solid color, I recommend you contact one of the five garment redyers listed in the box near the top of my page, "Where can I find someone to dye my clothing for me?". The list includes True Color Fabric Dyeing, Dye Pro Services, Spectrum Custom Fabric Dyeing, Metro Dyeing Service, and Alteria Color Restoration Services. All accept items through the mail for dyeing. Ask if they will use a cool-water dye so that the slipcovers don't shrink. Or, dye the slipcovers yourself using Procion MX dye in the washing machine, following a good recipe from the links on my page, "How can I dye clothing or fabric in the washing machine?". Be sure to use cool or warm water, not hot water, regardless of what the recipe says, since shrinking your slipcovers will make them unusable.
For a multiple-color effect, use Procion MX dye for either tie-dyeing or low water immersion dyeing. Candy Glendening is a dye artist who has recently done a beautiful job on a similar project. See her work at this link: Custom Dyed Ikea Footstool Slipcover. You might be able to contact her with a request for your own custom dyeing job. There are also custom tie-dyers listed on the same "Where can I find someone to dye my clothing for me?" page that I referred to in the previous paragraph, some of whom may be willing to consider this assignment.
First, though, please make sure that your cotton slipcovers have not been treated for stain resistance. Nothing that is stain-resistant, Scotch-guarded, or water-resistant can be dyed.
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Posted: Wednesday - January 04, 2012 at 08:59 AM
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