I'm trying to find a liquid dye color mixing chart Name: Robert
Country or region: USA Message: I'm trying to find a liquid dye mix chart. I'm using Dharma fiber reactive dyes. They used to have a mix chart in their kits but they changed the contents of the kits. I'm using 16oz bottles for application of the dye. I know if I take 1 1/2 Cups of Yellow and added 1/2 Cup of Turquoise I get a shade of Green but the chart told me which shade lol. A Dharma Liquid Procion Dye Chart would most likely have been for Procion H dyes, since Procion MX dyes were never made available in liquid form, as they spoil much more quickly. The Procion H liquid fiber reactive dyes had some colors that are pretty similar to some of the the Procion MX dye colors, though. Even if you're not using Procion H dyes, it's still worth looking at the Procion H chart as an aid to thinking about how to mix certain colors. Here are instructions for color mixing Procion H dyes, from Dharma Trading Company's liquid Procion H dyes page:
"The following guidelines can be used to mix color blends from the standard Liquid Procion H colors. Since color names are subject to personal perception, these mixtures are guidelines only. In order to reproduce exact colors, careful notes need to be kept on precise amounts used. We encourage you to take the time to test sample color mixtures before starting a large-scale project so you can gain a better understanding of how the colors react when mixed together. "To mix bright, clear colors, use Brilliant Yellow, Fuchsia, Turquoise and Blue Violet. To mix subdued colors, use Gold Yellow, True Red and Royal Blue. [Note: "pt" = "part". The Jacquard Procion H concentrates contained 25% or 40% dye, that is, 25 or 40 grams of dye powder per 100 ml of water, depending on color. See chart on my Procion H Dyes page for more details.] "Pale Green: 1 pt Brilliant Yellow + 1 pt Royal Blue Chartreuse: 4 pts Brilliant Yellow + 1 pt Turquoise Bright True Green: 1 pt Brilliant Yellow + 1 pt Turquoise [Error corrected.] Dull Olive: 1 pt Deep Black + 1 pt Gold Yellow Rich Olive Green: 1 pt Gold Yellow + 1 pt Turquoise + 1 pt Brown Bronze Green: 2 pts Gold Yellow + 1 pt Royal Blue + 1 pt Brown Celadon: 1 pt Royal Blue + 1/2 pt Toning Black + 1 pt Brill. Yellow Dark Teal: 1 pt Brill. Yellow + 3 pts Royal Blue + 1 pt Toning Black "Dusty Rose: 1 pt True Red + 1/4 pt Brown + 1/4 pt Toning Black Lilac: 2 pts True Red + 1 pt Royal Blue Cranberry: 2 pts Brown + 1 pt True Red Red Violet: 4 pts Fuchsia + 1 pt Blue Violet Purple: 1 pt Fuchsia + 1 pt Blue Violet Bright Purple: 2 pts Fuchsia + 1 pt Turquoise Periwinkle: 2 pts Turquoise + 1 pt Fuchsia Grape: 1 pt Fuchsia + 2 pts Blue Violet Eggplant: 3 pts Blue Violet + 1 pt Toning Black + 2 pts Fuchsia "Ecru: 1/2 pt Gold Yellow + 1/2 pt Brown Camel: 1 pt Gold Yellow + 1 pt Brill. Yellow +1 pt Brown Pale Warm Tan: 1/ 2 pt Gold Yellow + 1 pt Brown Light Beige: 1 pt Brown + 1/2 pt Gold Yellow Warm Gold Brown: 1 pt Gold Yellow + 1 pt Brown Bright Orange: 2 pts Brill Yellow + 2 pts Gold Yellow + 1 pt True Red Amber: 5 pts Brilliant Yellow + 1 pt True Red Pumpkin: 2 pts Brilliant Yellow + 2 pts Gold yellow + 1 pt True Red + 1 pt Brown" (The liquid Procion H Dyes are being discontinued among hand dyeing suppliers, in favor of the liquid fiber reactive Remazol dyes. Remazol dyes are sold by ProChem under the name Liquid Fiber Reactive Dyes, and by Jacquard Products retailers, including Dharma, as Vinyl Sulphon Liquid Reactive dyes.)
For other guides to mixing colors with Procion dyes, see my FAQ for the page, "How can I mix Procion MX dyes to get specific colors?", which includes links to copies of three Procion MX mixing charts (Jacquard, Dreamline, and Maiwa), as well as a description of the wonderful Dye Mixer Applet and other sources for good information on color mixing. It's very possible that what you've been looking for is the Jacquard Products Procion MX Dye Mixing Chart; although it is intended for powdered dye rather than liquid, it could equally well be used with liquid dye mixtures of standard strengths. I've improved the Jacquard chart by adding the generic names of each dye. The Jacquard chart includes colors with such names as pea green, seafoam, new aqua, blue spruce, teal, jade, yellow green, chartreuse, vermillion green, lime green, spring green, shamrock, fern green, sage, fatigue green, avocado, and artichoke.
There are no color chips shown in the Jacquard or Maiwa mixing charts, unlike the Dreamline charts; the names of the colors are the only specification of exact hue expected. There are several clever online tools for determining the different hues that may be indicated by a specific color name, or the general color family to which a subtle shade belongs. Further information on some of these may be found in a discussion starting with my 2009 Dye Forum Community of Dyers post entitled "color name toy".
Specific color mixing charts for another type of cool water fiber reactive dye which is very similar to Procion MX dye, the Cibacron F or Novacron F dyes, which are sold by ProChem as Sabracron dyes, can be found in Deb Menz's book, Color in Spinning
(Please help support this web site. Thank you.) Posted: Monday - May 16, 2011 at 07:07 AM All About Hand Dyeing Q&A Previous Next
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