color for baby clothesName: Michelle
Message: Hello,
I just looked up your website, loved everything bit of it.
I need your big help as it took me so long to find it, hope you can help
I am having the 6th baby within 6 weeks and it will be my last one. So
what I need your help is, I have lots of (almost new) blue plain baby clothes
especailly singlet and cotton booties some have plain shirts without pattern on
them , I would like to change the blue to purple or more likely girly colour.
(yes I am having a girl).
I wondering can you advice me what to do and what brand of dye colour?
Any color would be good. Only plain baby blue is considered too boyish. Even a bright blue is fine. You'll get nice purples if you over-dye a blue garment with fuchsia. Anything but orange is good. (Orange plus blue makes mud color.) It is best to use fiber reactive dye. This is safer for babies' skin than all purpose dye, because it bonds much more tightly to the fiber. It also lasts much longer. (Don't buy "all ourpose" dye unless you are dyeing nylon or wool.) I recommend that you order a "tie dye kit" from a company such as or, possibly with some additional dye from their PRO MX dyes in whatever your favorite color is. For the price of a single nice baby outfit, you can dye a whole wardrobe of baby clothes! That's what I did, for my babies. You should also see for their adorable little white dresses and outfits to dye. If you buy Procion MX type dye from them, I recommend you avoid their "fuchsia" and substitute their "light red", as the color is very similar but the dye is easier to dissolve and therefore more reliable. People have been reporting problems with Dharma's Fuchsia. Be careful not to breath any of the dye powder when you mix it up. A dust mask is a good idea. The easiest method for dyeing is low water immersion dyeing - see - though I do love tie dye on babies, too. Your older kids would probably love to have some shirts re-dyed in their favorite colors, too. Posted: Thursday - May 06, 2004 at 12:34 PM All About Hand Dyeing Q&A Previous Next
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