making a living as a fiber artistName: michele
Message: I'm starting a new business doing all cotton batik clothing. It seems there isn't much true batik out there. My question is this- in your experience dealing with many people in the industry, how many are able to make a living at it? Any insights you might have would be great. I was art director at an ad agency years ago so at least I have a pretty good sense of design and color sense. Thanks I may not be the best person to ask. I don't make any money at this business, myself; I have a "day job" as a scientist. When, years ago, I tried to make ends meet as an artist, I learned that I am not a good salesperson, and don't enjoy that side of the business at all. I do not believe that it is sufficient to simply produce beautiful work. Attention to the business side of selling your work is at least as important, in making a living at this. How are you going to reach your customers? By shows in galleries, or through clothing stores? Self-employed as an artist, you are very much a small business owner; you must be very good at the practical side of selling your stuff, not just at creating it. Another issue is that there is a great deal of beautiful hand-made batik work exported from Indonesia. Are you able to work for as low an hourly wage? Many fiber artists spend so many hours on each piece that they essentially earn minimum wage, or less, for extremely skilled work. They are willing to do this because it is work that they love, but it is discouraging to consider making so little money for so much work. I have many times read complaints that customers are willing to pay much more for paintings than for fiber art; on the other hand, there are a great many artists whose paintings do not sell for much money, either. We see the price tags on successful works, but we don't even see the artists whose work doesn't sell at all. Posted: Thursday - February 24, 2005 at 08:07 PM
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