I need to dye a stuffed toy for my grandson but I am worried because he likes to suck on it, much to my dismay but I can't break him. What dye if any is most safe to dye his stuffed comfort stuffed tiger?Name: Millie
Message: I need to dye a stuffed toy for my grandson but I am worried because he likes to suck on it, much to my dismay but I can't break him. What dye if any is most safe to dye his stuffed comfort stuffed tiger? What's it made of? Nylon and wool can be dyed with 100% safe food coloring, but cotton, as well as synthetics other than nylon, cannot be. When fiber reactive dyes are used to dye cotton, they are pretty safe, as long as all of the excess unattached dye gets washed out, because the attached dye is very permanent indeed and will not come off when chewed upon. However, it is extremely unlikely that your grandson's stuffed toy is made of cotton, unless you have sewn it yourself. Most stuffed animals are made of synthetics, such as polyester, which are very difficult to dye. It's probably best to just accept whatever color the tiger already is. Sorry. If you decide to sew a new toy for him, a 100% natural fabric made of mohair or wool would be the easiest to dye with food-safe dyes. (Please help support this web site. Thank you.) Posted: Thursday - October 19, 2006 at 06:49 AM All About Hand Dyeing Q&A Previous Next
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