I have large living room and dining room drapes, they are an off-white color and I would like to dye them. Is it possible?

Name: Tracy

Message: I have large living room and dining room drapes, they are an off white color and I would like to dye them.  Is it possible.  They are custom made and cost a pretty penny.  My husband will just have a heart attack if I ruin them.  Can you help or point me in the direction I can go to find someone who can do this for me?

I have no idea about your drapes, sorry, since I don't know what they are made of, or whether they are washable. It makes a huge difference what fiber they are made of—are they polyester, cotton, nylon, or what?—and you can never dye anything that cannot be washed.

When choosing a dye for a project, you must choose the right type of dye for your fiber. You can't have any idea of what dye to choose if you don't know what your drapes are made of. Commercial dyers (see my listing to Find a Custom Dyer ) will not want to dye your drapes if the drapes are not made from natural fibers.

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Posted: Monday - January 29, 2007 at 08:28 AM   All About Hand Dyeing Q&A     Previous   Next  

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