how to care for a Sharpie-signed shirt

Name: Chris
Message: I have a t-shirt signed with a sharpie. I saw a question on your site that said it could not be guarenteed not to come out, but should I just wash it or is there a way to set it?  Thanks

Wait as long as possible before you wash it the first time. Sharpie marker that is aged one month before washing is more permanent than Sharpie marker that is washed the day after it's used. Then, before washing, just in case it may help, try "heat setting" by ironing the signature with a hot iron (not hot enough to scorch the fabric!). Wash only in cool water, if possible, since hot water is much better at washing stains out than cold water is, and avoid bleach.

There is still absolutely no guarantee that it won't wash out, but this should help. I've seen signatures made with black Sharpie markers last through many launderings, but others that become lighter and faded after only a few washings. The colored markers are less permanent than the black ones.

I don't know whether or not a cationic dye fixative such as Retayne will help, but it's certainly worth a try. It's good to have Retayne on hand, anyway, for treating any clothing you purchase that turns out to bleed in the laundry. It would be great to obtain a good fabric marker to use next time, as these are more permanent than Sharpies; look for brands such as Identipen, Marvy, or Setascrib.

If it's a valuable signature, wear the shirt only infrequently, so that it won't have to be washed as many times. If it's very valuable, frame it behind glass and don't wear it at all.

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Posted: Sunday - July 16, 2006 at 06:33 AM   All About Hand Dyeing Q&A     Previous   Next  

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