What is the process to use Retayne in a front load, low water type washing machine? 

Name: Cindy
Message: I have used Retayne in my friend's topload machine.  She fills the tub, adds Retayne, then uses the wash cycle and times it.  



Retayne sets all-purpose dyes, such as Rit, as well as acid dyes, direct dyes, and inadequately fixed fiber reactive dyes. It will not work on vat dyes, such as indigo denim.

I have a HE3 front load machine.  What is the process to use Retayne in a front load, low water type machine?  No one I have asked knows the answer.  

Have you contacted your dye supplier to ask what they have to say? They might have instructions.

The general rule with using anything in a front loading washing machine is to use a much smaller quantity of any detergent or other chemical, since a much smaller volume of water is used. The recommendations I have seen are to use one-quarter the usual amount, or to use one tablespoon (15 ml) of detergent and one-half teaspoon (2.5 ml) of liquid fabric softener. However, with Retayne the quantity to be used is based on the weight of the fabric, not on the quantity of water being used, so you will probably do better to stick to the originally recommended amount. Use one teaspoon (5 ml) per yard of medium-weight cotton muslin, which weighs about 100 grams per square yard; use more or less depending on the actual dry weight of the fabric you are treating.

Dharma Trading Company's instructions for their extremely similar product, Dharma Dye Fixative, say to soak the fabric in very hot water, using one ounce of Dharma Dye Fixative per pound of fabric. You could do this in a five-gallon bucket, stirring occasionally, then wash the fabric out in your front-loading washing machine. (See their catalog entries for Dharma Dye Fixative and Retayne.)

PRO Chemical & Dye give instructions for hand-washing Retayne into your fabric:
  • 1. Use an old enamel canning kettle that is not used for food preparation and heat the water to 140°F (60°C). 
  • 2. Add 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of Retayne for each yard of fabric.
  • 3. Add dry fabric. Swish your fabric around in the hot Retayne bath for 20 minutes with a spoon or wooden dowel. After 20 minutes, rinse with cold water and dry at once.

(See their detailed instructions for PRO Retayne.)

A problem with using ordinary laundry detergent in front loading washers is that the regular detergent produces more bubbles than the HE detergent. This will not be an issue with Retayne, since it does not produce foam. 

Retayne and most other cationic dye fixatives contain a small amount of formaldehyde, which is a toxic chemical, so you will want to be sure to wash out any excess Retayne afterwards, using cool or warm water (hot water is apt to strip out all of the Retayne). Avoid breathing any noticeable fumes from the concentrated liquid Retayne; use good ventilation, and wear gloves if needed to prevent contact with skin.

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Posted: Tuesday - April 21, 2009 at 06:43 AM   All About Hand Dyeing Q&A     Previous   Next  

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