How can I stop the dry dye from rubbing onto other clothing?

Name: Meredith Bender

Country or region: USA/ Southern Jersey

Message: I purchased a 100% polyester, suede-like, light weight vest in a bright magenta color. When I wear it with a white cotton knit shirt under it, the color rubs off onto the under sides of my arms. I've washed the vest in cool water and it doesn't appear to "run", but it still rubs off. Should I rinse it in vinegar and water as the store's customer assist person suggested? I've read your information but am still in a quandry.

The rubbing-off of the dye in the shirt, a problem known as "crocking", is caused by a manufacturing defect; the dye was either applied incorrectly, or not washed out properly after application. This should not be happening. The best solution is to return the garment for a different one or for a full refund.

You may as well try the advice of the store's customer assist person, but only if she guarantees that you can return the garment afterwards if it does not work. Simply washing the garment, if it is washable, may remove enough of the dye to solve the problem. Use the hottest water that the garment can tolerate, and soak it for a while before completing the washing, for maximum efficiency. Wash two or three times, if necessary.

If you've already washed the garment several times, and yet the crocking is still occurring, then the manufacturer made a serious error and should replace the garment or give you a refund for it.

By the way, although there are wonderful aftermarket commercial dye fixatives available by mail-order, such as Retayne, none of them can be expected to work for crocking. They work only for bleeding of the dye when it is wet.

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Posted: Monday - December 27, 2010 at 08:02 AM   All About Hand Dyeing Q&A     Previous   Next  

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