Ccan you help me with the following dyes structures?Name: Giwa
Message: Please, am working on my school project, can you help me with the following dyes structures? 1. Cibacron Brilliant Yellow GE 2. Procion Violet H3R 3. Durazol Scarlet 2G 4. Dispersol Turguoise H7G I'm sorry, but I don't have these structures, nor full chemical names that you could use to draw them yourself. Can you contact the manufacturer? Can you go to a nearby educational institution that subscribes to the Colour Index and search there? Cibacron Brilliant Yellow GE is apparently reactive yellow 81, CAS# 59112-78-6, also known as Procion Yellow H-E3G. It is a bifunctional dye, one of the bis(aminochlorotriazine) dyes. Procion Violet H3R is Colour Index reactive violet 1, CI number 182130, CAS# 12239-45-1. It is a monofunctional aminochlorotriazine dye. Both of these dyes are hot-water fiber reactive dyes. Durazol dyes are direct dyes, a relatively poorly washfast type of dye used for natural fibers such as cotton, usually with a cationic aftertreatment to provide adequate washfastness. Dispersol dyes are disperse dyes, used for synthetic fibers such as polyester. I do not know what generic name may correspond to the trade names Durazol Scarlet 2G or Dispersol Turquoise H7G. (Please help support this web site. Thank you.) Posted: Wednesday - April 16, 2008 at 01:07 PM All About Hand Dyeing Q&A Previous Next
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