Re: finding an instructional DVD on tie-dyeing and the chemistry behind itName: Austin
Message: In my Organic Chemistry class, we are beginning a lab on tie-dyeing. My teacher assigned me the task of finding a DVD on intructional tie-dyeing. However, he also wanted it to include some information about the science behind tie-dye. I thought that you would know if such a product existed. If a DVD like that doesn't exist than he expressed that he would be interested in purchasing two separate videos, one on instructional technique and the other focused on the science aspect. Thank you for any information you can give me! There is only one DVD or videotape that I know of that gives instructions on how to tie dye, but fortunately it's a good one: Michael Fowler's The Art of Tie-Dye. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a video explaining the science of tie-dyeing. I created my web site largely because there is very little information anywhere on this subject, and knowing the chemistry behind the ways dyes function adds tremendously to the control artists have in doing their work. You will find a fair amount of information already on my web site. Be sure to read "About Dyes", and "Fiber Reactive Dyes", as well as the questions and answers in the FAQ, and the "chemistry of dyeing" section of this dyes & dyeing weblog. If you have additional scientific questions, I would be happy to try to answer them. My doctoral thesis involved the chemical and biological properties of certain, rather toxic, types of dyes, but unfortunately for your purposes, it does not treat fiber reactive dyes, which are the type that are, deservedly, very popular for use in tie-dyeing. (A copy of it is currently available at this link, but I will be moving it soon to a location somewhere on Posted: Wednesday - April 27, 2005 at 08:19 PM
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