I have just recently been given some Vaki dyes the ACID, Washfast and Lightfast. Do you know anything about them?

Name: Sharon
Message: I have just recently been given some Vaki dyes the ACID, Washfast and Lightfast. Do you know anything about them particullay mixing? I am anxious to try them as there are so many colours to choose from.

I am not familiar with the VAKI brand name, and cannot locate it in a web search. However, I can tell you a little about acid dyes.

The most important thing to note is that acid dyes are for animal fibers only: wool, silk, angora, cashmere, etc. No plant fibers, such as cotton, rayon, or linen, may be dyed with acid dyes.

Even those acid dyes which are labeled "washfast" may not necessarily be very washfast. "Washfast" may be part of the name, rather than a guarantee of quality. Some acid dyes are much more washfast or lightfast than others, but it is difficult to predict the properties of any particular dye unless you have its generic name (see "Lightfastness of Different Types of Dyes").

There are many different types of acid dyes. Some are not compatible with others, one interfering with the fixation of another, so it is generally best to use acid dyes within a particular brand name, which have been selected to work well together, instead of mixing different acid dyes from different suppliers.

If there is a telephone number or address included with the acid dyes you have received, it would be very advisable to contact the manufacturers to ask for advice on how to use the dyes. If that is not possible, try looking at the instructions for other acid dyes which seem similar. PRO Chemical & Dye is an excellent source from which to buy dyes, and they give a lot of instructions for their washfast acid dyes on their web site.

For more information on different types of dyes, see the "About Dyes" section of my website.

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Posted: Thursday - July 07, 2005 at 05:24 PM   All About Hand Dyeing Q&A     Previous   Next  

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