overdyeing a shirt without dyeing metallic threads

Name: Rebecca
Message: Help! I just found a long-lost favorite navy blue sweatshirt, and on the first time I wore it, splashed Tilex on it. (Yes I AM cursing myself at my carelessness!!!) Though I caught it early (the spots are now red, not bleached out completely) I am afraid to use the technique you reference about all over dying due to the design on the front. The shirt is embroidered with METALLIC thread design. I am wondering if I do an all over dye if the dye will adhere to the metallic thread? Thoughts? Otherwise, I'll try your marker technique, but the shirt is somewhat softly faded, and I am not sure how that will work, either. Please help!

If you use fiber reactive dye, which is the best type of dye to use on cotton, the metallic thread will probably be left completely untouched. Results will probably be good from overdyeing the entire sweatshirt.

However, it would be best to try to cover up the bleached-out spot first with a fabric marker or permanent marker. Otherwise, the bleached spot will show up lighter even after dyeing. If you are very lucky, perhaps you will find the results of the marker satisfactory without dyeing at all. Try going to a crafts store that sells individual fabric markers to see which color would be your best match.

After dyeing, the overall effect will be different, but it may be just as good, or even better.

Good fiber reactive dyes include Procion MX dye from any of the mail-order dye companies listed on "Sources of Dyeing Supplies" at <http://www.pburch.net/dyeing/dyesources.shtml>. It is important to use only cool-water dye on your shirt. It is possible that the metallic threads are partially made of nylon, which will not be affected by cool water dyes, but which would be dyed by all-purpose dye.

Posted: Sunday - December 19, 2004 at 07:49 PM   All About Hand Dyeing Q&A     Previous   Next  

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