Is there someway to strip the color from a shirt completely before you re-dye it?

Name: Kory


Rit Color Remover Removes Dyes
Rit dye powder- color remover 2 oz

Use Rit Color Remover in the washing machine in hot water, or, for greatest effectiveness, heat fabric in Rit Color Remover on the stovetop.

Jacquard color remover

Jacquard Color Remover

Turn rags into treasures! Jacquard offers an easy way to prepare old clothing and fabrics for a new life with fresh color, paint, or tie-dye. This highly concentrated liquid takes existing color and stains out of fabrics while it whitens. Unlike bleach, it removes color gently, without damaging fibers. Simply dissolve in warm waterand soak up to 4 lb. (1.8 kg) of natural or synthetic material, then rinse thoroughly. Caution — Harmful if swallowed. Not suitable for use by children.



Good dyes produce better results

Procion mx fiber reactive cold water dye

Procion MX Fiber Reactive Cold Water Dye
ideal for cotton

When mixed with soda ash, Procion dyes are permanent, colorfast, and very washable. You can easily create a palette of brilliant colors ranging from light pastels to deep, vibrant hues.


50,000 discount craft supplies
Tulip one step fashion dye blueimage-1910599-10498125

Tulip One Step Fashion Dye Blue

Contains Procion MX type fiber reactive dye. Easy applicator bottle so all you have to do is add cold water. Non-toxic. Each package will dye up to 4 shirts.


Message: Hello,

I have some expensive colored cotton shirts that have faded around the collar when I handwashed that part to clean it.  I would like to re-dye them.  To get the most consistent coloring throughout, is there someway to strip the color from a shirt completely before you re-dye it?

Any response would be deeply appreciated.

There are two main choices for stripping color from a cotton shirt: chlorine bleach, and sulfur-based color removers such as Rit Color Remover. I prefer Rit Color Remover because it is gentler to the fabric. Another good choice is Jacquard Color Remover, which is based on a different sulfur compound. Not all dyes will lighten in color when treated with bleach or color remover, so it's always a trial-and-error kind of thing. You can use Rit Color Remover in the washing machine, with the hottest tap water available, or on the stovepot in a large pot. A large washing machine will require two boxes. See "What chemicals can be used to remove dye?"

When you redye the shirts, go to a little extra trouble to find a high quality dye, because good dyes are easier to use and keep their colors for years longer. Do not use an all-purpose dye , such as Rit dye, because it runs in the wash, and fades quickly. Instead, use a fiber reactive dye, such as Procion MX dye. You will not be able to find this dye in the grocery store. A good crafts store will carry it, under such brands as Jacquard Procion MX dye, Tulip One Step Fashion Dye, Dylon Machine Dye (in Europe or Australia but not in North America), Dylon Cold Dye, or Dylon Permanent Dye. You can also purchase Procion MX dye by mail-order, for much lower prices per garment. (A two-ounce jar of Procion MX dye is enough to dye eleven pounds of cotton fabric to a medium shade, whereas the individual packets of dye of any brand typically dye only half a pound.) See my page "Sources for Dyeing Supplies Around the World".

The easiest way to get a smooth solid even color on clothing is to dye it in the washing machine. See "How can I dye clothing or fabric in the washing machine?". You can dye up to eight pounds of clothing to the same color at once. Weigh your clothing while it is dry to find out how much you have to dye. For smaller amounts of clothing, such as just one or two shirts, you can use three gallons of water in a five-gallon bucket, following a recipe that requires nearly constant stirring, to get the smoothest color possible.  Since a washing machine holds about twenty gallons of water, this requires a fair amount of dye. If you want to obtain dark colors, you will need a lot more dye than if you want light colors; use more dye still if you want black. It takes a lot of black dye to make a good rich dark black on clothing.

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Posted: Saturday - September 06, 2008 at 09:49 AM          

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