Can 'dishwasher' type salt be used with dyes or does it have to be the table/cooking variety?

Name: Brenda
Message: Can 'dishwasher' type salt be used with dyes or does it have to be the table/cooking variety?

That's an interesting question. We don't usually put any salt at all in our dishwashers here in the US, only dishwasher detergent, and, sometimes, a rinse agent. A web search reveals that in the UK you do use water softener salt in dishwashers. I wonder if this is because of the laws against phosphate use in the UK. Dishwasher detergents in the US typically contain phosphates, which work well as water softeners. 

Water softener salt is pure sodium chloride and therefore should be fine for you to use, chemically, but it is in a granular or chunk form so that it dissolves slowly. You will want to take the time to dissolve it in water separately before adding it to your dyebath. Large granules of salt will also work well for the salt effect in silk painting.

Many thanks for the response, Paula.  I really appreciate it.  Apparently our water here (particularly just outside London where we live) is very hard due to the flouride etc put in by the water companies, and virtually every applicance ends up with coatings of scale all over them.  Dread to think what it does to our bodies!

It's surprising, but hard water is much better for our bodies than soft water. The 'hardness' consists of calcium and magnesium ions, which form an insoluble material called soap scum. Epidemiologically, people who drink hard water live longer than those who drink soft water, because those minerals are good for your heart!

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Posted: Friday - June 01, 2007 at 12:31 PM   All About Hand Dyeing Q&A     Previous   Next  

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