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You are here: Home > All About Hand Dyeing > FAQ > Procion MX Dyes > dye color mixing > copy of chart from Maiwa

Maiwa Handprints Procion MX color mixing guidelines

from a Dye Forum Post on June 30, 2007

another set of Procion MX color mixing guidelines

Maiwa Handprints, a good source for dyes and supplies in Vancouver, has a PDF page of instructions for Procion MX dyes that includes color mixing recipes. I believe that these recipes are calculated for use on cotton or other cellulose fabric, not silk....

MX dye     
MX dye     
Peach* 100% brown MX-GRN      -
Salmon75% yellow MX-8G25% scarlet mixture 
Coral35% yellow MX-3R65% scarlet mixture
Henna50% red MX-8B50% brown mixture
Pumpkin35% orange MX-2R65% brown MX-GRN
Wine50% scarlet mixture50% blue MX-G
Mulberry50% red MX-8B50% brown mixture
Burgundy50% scarlet mixture50% navy mixture
Deep Magenta   80% red MX-8B20% black mixture
Red Violet65% red MX-8B35% navy mixture
Violet50% red MX-8B50% navy mixture
Lavender*35% red MX-8B65% blue MX-G
Blue Violet35% red MX-8B65% navy mixture
Bright Purple*20% red MX-8B80% turquoise MX-G
Periwinkle*80% navy mixture20% black mixture
Teal50% turquoise MX-G50% navy mixture
Lime Green*65% yellow MX-8G35% turquoise MX-G
True Green35% yellow MX-8G65% blue MX-G
Jade Green20% yellow MX-8G80% turquoise MX-G
Forest Green50% yellow MX-8G50% navy mixture
Khaki50% orange MX-2R50% turquoise MX-G
Steel Gray50% navy mixture50% black mixture
Blue Black35% navy mixture65% black mixture
Deep Black25% navy mixture75% black mixture

*The asterisked colors should be used at a lower depth of shade, less dye per pound of fabric, to get paler colors. Deep Black should be mixed at a greater depth of shade.

"Navy mixture", in the chart above, is a manufacturer's mix known as navy MX-2RDA, while "scarlet mixture" is a manufacturer's mix known as scarlet MX-BA. Manufacturer's mixes should be the same from multiple sources. The black and brown used for mixing appears to be proprietary mixes prepared by Maiwa, since they have no MX codes.

The PDF page also includes suggestions for how much dye to use for the pale, medium, and dark shades: 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 g), 1 teaspoon (5 g), and 2 teaspoons (10g) per half cup (125 ml) of water, respectively. [PRO Chemical & Dye lists each of those volumes of dye as weighing only half as much. The volumes are merely approximations.]

The other two published lists of color mixing guidelines we have are from Jacquard Products (here's a link to my adaptation of their chart, with MX codes added) and from Dreamline in the Netherlands (here's a link to my translation of their charts).

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Page created: July 25, 2014
Last updated: July 25, 2014
Downloaded: Wednesday, March 26, 2025