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You are here: Home > All About Hand Dyeing > About Dyes > Fiber Reactive Dyes > Vinyl Sulfone Dyes > Old Createx instructions

Old Instructions for Createx Color Vinyl Sulfone Dyes

Createx Liquid Fiber Reactive Dyes have been discontinued; however, since Vinyl sulfone Dyes are still sold by other companies, these old instructions may be of interest still.


Createx Permanent Liquid Fiber Dyes are brilliant light fast dyes that when used with a fixative (soda ash or baking soda), colors become permanent on natural fibers such as silk, cotton, linen, viscose rayon, and wool. paper, and leather.

Createx Liquid Fiber Dyes do not contain airborne procion dust powders, or harmful alcohol vapors. They contain no known harmful ingredients. [Note that this statement is probably not strictly true! --P.] Colors are completely transparent and will not affect the feel of the material.


Tie Dyeing

1) For best results, wash item first to remove sizing.
2) Presoak fabric with water.
3) Make fixative solution by adding 5 heaping tablespoons of of Soda Ash and 1/4 cup salt per gallon of water. ( 2 gallons of fixative solution will do roughly three T-shirts)
4) Add presoaked fabric to mixture and allow to soak for at least 30 minutes.
5) Remove item from fixative solution, wring gently, leave damp.
6) Fold, twist, and tie fabric using strings, rubber bands, etc.
7) Dilute Liquid Fiber Dyes with 7 parts water. Drop dye onto fabric by squeeze bottle, eye dropper, cotton swab, etc.
8) Dyes become permanent by placing item into a plastic bag for 24 hours than remove and rinse under cool water until water runs clear. Remove bindings from item. Soak item in warm water with detergent for 10 minutes before rinsing thoroughly. Lay item flat to dry. Once dry, place in dryer for additional setting.

Immersion Dyeing

1) For best results, wash item first to remove sizing. Do not use bleach, whiteners, or softeners.
2) Make up a dye bath by adding enough water to allow fabrics to flow freely. Estimate weight of fabric to determine proper amount of dye and fixative necessary. Use following guide:

Dye amounts for (1) one pound of fabric:
Light shades 1/4 to 1/2 oz. dye
Medium shades 1/2 to 1 1/2 oz. dye
Heavy shades 2 to 6 oz. dye.

Fixative amounts per gallon of water:
Light shades 1 oz. Soda Ash, 2 oz. salt
Medium shades 2 oz. Soda Ash, 4 oz. salt
Heavy shades 3 oz. Soda Ash, 6 oz. salt

3) Add salt and dye to dye bath.
4) Presoak fabric in water and place into dye bath, stir for 5 minutes
5) Pre-dissolve Soda Ash in hot water and add to dye bath.
6) Stir the fabric at 10 minute intervals until desired shade is reached: pastel 45 minutes, deep colors 90-120 minutes.
7) Remove fabric from dye bath and rinse under cool water until water runs clear. Soak item in warm water with detergent for 10 minutes before rinsing thoroughly

Handpainting Dyes

1) Add 1 part dye to 4 parts Dye Diluent and apply with brush or airbrush.
2) Allow item to dry for 24 hours before heatsetting by one of the methods listed below.
3) 24 hours after heatsetting, rinse off loose dye color in cool running water until water runs clear. Soak item in warm water with detergent for 10 minutes before rinsing thoroughly

Screenprinting with Dyes

1) Add 1 part dye to 6 parts Dye Painting Medium and apply dye.
2) Allow item to dry for 24 hours before heatsetting by one of the methods listed below.
3) 24 hours after heatsetting, rinse off loose dye color in cool running water until water runs clear. Soak item in warm water with detergent for 10 minutes before rinsing thoroughly

Heatsetting Methods

Steam Setting:

1) Wrap the fabric in cloth, roll and tie.
2) Place on stainless steel, galvanized, wooden, or porcelainized rack in steam cooker with sufficient water to cover bottom without touching the material being steamed.
3) Put paper or cheesecloth around the inside of the lid to absorb moisture and protect water drops.
4) Steam set. 10 minutes for cotton and 20 minutes for silk.
5) Remove fabric from steamer and unwrap immediately.


Bake for 10 minutes at 285° in oven. Place pan of water in oven for moisture. [Baking requires urea to be in the formula to maintain some moisture. --P.]


Place in microwave oven with a dish of water for 5 minutes.

Tumble Dry:

Place in dryer for 60 minutes or longer at highest setting.


Dye Painting Medium
A thickened medium used for hand painting or screenprinting dyes. Controls flow on fabric and when painting hard edges.

Dye Diluent
A thin medium used for creating color washes with a brush, pen, or airbrush. Also used for thinning Dye Painting Medium.

Soda Ash
A strong dye fixative used for making dyes permanent on natural fibers. See label instructions for additional usage information.

Aqua Fine Resist
A water-based clear resist that prevents dyes from coloring areas. Allow to dry completely before painting dyes along-side resist. Apply by brush, squeeze bottle, or printing tools. Washes off in hot water after dyes are set. Apply resist to both sides of fabric if it doesn't penetrate the cloth completely.

Water softener for hard water areas. Promotes even saturation of colors when hand painting. Greatly increases color value. Use 1 tablespoon per quart of water.

Used for pre-washing fabrics and washing off loose color after dyes have been heatset. Use 1 oz. per 2 gallons of water.

All information on this site is believed to be accurate and reliable but Createx Colors makes no warranties expressed or implied, and without responsibility or liability of any kind. The information supplied does not release the user the obligation to test for suitability of the products for the intended purposes and applications.

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Page created: January 17, 2006
Last updated: January 18, 2006
Downloaded at: Sunday, March 09, 2025, 07:22PM EDT