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You are here: Home > All About Hand Dyeing > Gallery > Batik: Shirt with two sharks and a ray


Shirt with two sharks and a ray

waxed & dyed 1997; last remnants of wax removed 1998

Will wearing the shark shirt

Here is a much larger shirt, size 10-12, I made for my older son, Will. The batiking was done the same way as on the preceding two pages (Peter's fish garment and cat garment). scanned detail of hammerhead shark batik on cotton
knit material

Also shown are three details of the shirt(scanned in directly, at 60 pixels per inch). The colors, on my own monitor at least, are much truer in the details than in the snapshot of my son wearing the short. The shirt is actually more green than teal. There is a large manta ray on the front, and two sharks on the back--the one across the shoulders is obviously a hammerhead; I think the other down near the hips is a dogfish, but I may have forgotten. The method was the same as for the previous two pages, part of the same batch. There's a lot more unwaxed area on this shirt than on the little snap-crotch baby shirts.

front detail of shirt with manta ray batik on cotton
knit material scanned detail of dogfish shark batik on cotton knit material

This shirt should last much longer than the baby clothes on the previous page--it's a 6.1 ounce/yard Hanes Beefy Tee. I'm tired of having my work shredded before it's been worn a hundred times, so quality is important in clothing to dye. To see the fabric in much greater detail, click on the images.

On the next page are some examples of tie dyeing.

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Page created: August 4, 1998
Last updated: July 13, 2006 Downloaded: