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You are here: Home > All About Hand Dyeing > Gallery > Example 7

Drip dyeing: toddler's rainbow coverall

Peter in a jogging stroller, wearing a coverall that's been
dyed in a diagonal rainbow of seamless color Here's another snapshot from my on-line family album. It's a thermal- weave long- sleeved and long-legged romper, with a rainbow starting with scarlet and proceeding through the usual rainbow colors in the usual rainbow order. There is no undyed material left at all. The effect is brilliant in color and quite striking. Too bad the typical After The Stork quality caused it to need sewing repairs after just a couple of wearings. (When will blank clothing suppliers start carrying snap-crotch clothes for the larger toddlers who wear sizes 3T and 4T before they turn two?)

How I did it

I laid the pre-soaked garment flat on a table whose top is composed of a 1/4 inch wire grid, then carefully applied the dyes in diagonal stripes directly from the squirt bottles. (See How to Dye for more details.)

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