drawn April - May, 1993
This shirt depicts several common but beautiful
wildflowers of Texas. The latin name of each species is written in
copperplate cursive next to it.
Clockwise from uppr right, there's a showy pink evening primrose
(they're incredibly showy for a wildflower), a Texas bluebonnet, with
its bluish green leaves, a prickly pear cactus (we once made a fine
homebrewed ale-mead flavored and colored with prickly pear fruit
gathered from the wild), and the ubiquitous, lovely wild sunflower.
(Click on this image to see it much larger and in finer detail.)
I used Marvy fabric markers. Except for on baby clothes, I've found these to be amazingly long-lasting, though they require no heat setting at all. The colors can be blended rather well for a felt-tip pen. The baby clothes problem was probably bleach--white is not the best choice of backgrounds for baby clothes, but is fine for most adults. At this writing, in 1998, this particular shirt is slightly less bright and could use a touch-up, but it's still pretty. I got the markers at a wonderful arts supply store; Texas Art Supply; if you don't have access to that, try Dharma, which carries the full range of colors. (See Sources for materials.)
Page created: Sunday, August 23, 1998
Last updated: July 18, 2006
Downloaded: Wednesday, March 26, 2025
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